Bible Baptist Staff
"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;   For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:"
Ephesians 4:11, 12
Isaac Drake

On the 27th of March, 1988, I heard the gospel message taught from Isaiah 53, “…all we like sheep have gone astray…” and understood clearly I was lost, and Jesus Christ came to save me. I accepted his payment for my sins that Sunday. A few years later I was baptized and, in high school, I surrendered to “full-time Christian service” while attending teen camp.
After graduating Bible School in 2003, I drove to Alaska to help a small church that was just getting started. Here I followed the advice of my former pastor to “sit under another man and learn the work of the ministry.”
On my first Sunday after arriving in Fairbanks I met my future wife at church. We were married in 2005. The Lord had called me to Montana while attending Bible School and in 2011 he led us to move to Billings.
We packed up everything we did not sell and loaded our three girls into the back seat and headed down the ALCAN Highway. I was ready to start a church, but the Lord led us to help in two churches before we started Bible Baptist in 2013.
Our first couple of services were held in a former train depot in Hardin, MT and for the next few months we met in a rented church building before settling back in Billings.
Today, I pastor the greatest group of Christians anyone could ask for. This congregation is full of people who love the Lord, are growing spiritually through all kinds of different circumstances, and have a love for each other and the people of our community. Of all the places I’ve been around the country and the world, I am so thankful the Lord led us to this place, to pastor these people.
Would you join us for a Sunday and check it out in person? I promise if you love the Lord and love His word you will leave spiritually strengthened, sharpened, challenged, and fed.
Stay encouraged,
Pastor Isaac Drake
1 Peter 5:2, 3
Youth Ministry
John and Jordan Millar

I was very fortunate to be raised in a Christian home. I had the privilege to hear and respond to the gospel at an early age. By the time I was about 14 years old, I committed my life to serving the Lord. In 2013, I graduated Bible school in Pensacola, FL and resided there until 2017.
Then, through a number of circumstances the Lord moved me to Missoula, MT where I met my wife Jordan.
Fast forward to 2021, when I was in a preachers meeting and the Lord dealt with me and my wife about moving to Billings, MT and serving in Bible Baptist Church. My family and I followed the Lord’s leading and moved the following spring.
I’ve always had a heavy burden for teenagers and understand how critical that time in their life can be. Growing up, I later realized how influential my youth pastor was in my life and what an integral part he played in where I am today. My hope and prayer is to instill some of the same things that were taught to me as a teenager.
John Millar
Music Ministry
John Rodriguez

Sunday School Teacher

I got saved when I was about seven years old in Vancouver Community Church, during Sunday school. I got baptized when I was about 12-13. I gave my life fully to the lord on January 27th of 2012.
I moved to Montana on October 20th of 2018, and began going to various churches in town and started coming to BBC on November 1st, 2020. I was just getting my life in order after having been in the world for a few years. I walked into the church and knew it was home. I finally found a church that fit and put a name to what I believed.
I had been coming to church for about 6 months or so when, on a Wednesday evening, Pastor Drake asked for volunteers for nursery and Sunday school. I immediately knew I needed to do one of them, but not sure which one. I prayed that the Lord would show me which one to do.
I began teaching Sunday school around April or May of 2021 and I knew right away that’s where I needed to be. Teaching my students is one of the biggest blessings I’ve ever had. This class is better than I could have ever asked for!
Sunday school Teacher

Growing up in church at a young age, I heard the gospel many times and felt a heavy burden of sin on my heart. I accepted Christ as my Saviour in December of 2015 and my burden was lifted.
When I was 12 we had no Sunday School teachers and I knew someone needed to teach the few children we had. I did my best with what little knowledge I had of teaching and grew in the Lord while studying for those lessons.
Since then our classroom has grown and taken root. We have fun playing games, memorizing scripture, and singing! But most importantly we teach simple Bible lessons and stories. We believe these lessons are important for children’s faith as they mature in the Lord. I take great joy in watching these children grow in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.