start Here
"I look forward to church every week..." — Emma, Church Member "When you walk in you get greeted right away..." — Visitor "A wonderful fellowship I am happy my family is a part of." — Reah, Member "You’ll get the truth from the scriptures." — Joe, Visiting Missionary "This church is a real blessing." — Abi, Member "...loving pastor and family..." — Anthony, Visitor "...Churches like this are hard to find..." — John, Member "They welcomed us right in ..." — Jordan, Member
Our Mission:
To Make The Bible Available And Understandable To Anyone Who Desires To Glorify The Lord Jesus Christ.
What To Expect
On Your First Visit
- When you arrive there is plenty of parking available–even for large vehicles with trailers.
- Church starts at 11:00 AM and lasts a little over an hour. Be sure to arrive with enough time to drop off your kiddos in Nursery or Sunday School Class!
- No kids? You still might want to arrive early to get a good cup of locally roasted coffee.
- Service will begin with traditional singing from a hymn book followed by some announcements.
- Next, a thought provoking message by Pastor Drake.
- At the end of the service all that is left is to enjoy some baked goods that are almost always found in the fellowship area.
- Don't forget to pick up your kids!
- We look forward to meeting you. See you soon!
Around every corner you are sure to see a smiling kid. Nursery is provided for every service.
At least one trained staff member will be present at all times. Parents must fill out a child information form upon drop off.
Nursery is for ages 0-3.
Children's Sunday School
Does your kid ask a lot of questions? Are they itching to learn more?
BBC provides a Sunday School Class during the 11:00 service. Your child will participate in singing and an age appropriate Bible lesson and craft.
Classes are for ages 4-11.
Youth Group
Youth Group is led by John and Jordan Millar. Teens meet once a month for a Bible lesson and a fun activity like ice skating, scavenger hunts, escape rooms, and game nights.
Teens also participate in a yearly summer camp in Post Falls, ID hosted by Heritage Baptist Church.
Teen Group is for ages 12-18.
Wednesday Bible Study
Are you interested in learning more or furthering your faith and rooting it in biblical doctrine? Wednesday evening bible study will do just that.
Pastor Isaac will take you through an in-depth study every week. Study is followed by prayer requests and group prayer.
6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
More Questions?
Where Are You Located?
How Do I Become A Member?
Love Jesus
Love the Brethren (and Sisters)
Attend Faithfully
Grow Grow Grow
We mostly dress nice, but are more concerned with the inside than the outside.
I'm Looking For More...
Wednesday Evenings at
6:00 PM are for a shorter Bible study and time of prayer.
What Kind Of Music Do You Have?
More Questions?
Pastor Drake answers these on Sunday Afternoons at the 2:30 Service.
Even More Questions?
He usually replies the same day.
Contact info is at the bottom of the page.
A Few Reviews
Pastor Isaac Drake and his wife Beth

Welcome Video
"A Place To Grow"

Get in touch
Let us know if you are planning to attend this Sunday!